It’s time to start another school year! This year I will be formally home educating 4 children including a junior in high school, a 4th grader, a 2nd grader and a kindergartner. I’ll also have an energetic preschooler and a busy 1 year old to care for while attempting to homeschool the older kids!
We will be starting up our school year in just a few weeks so I thought it would be a great time to share what we will be using to home educate our kids in 2014-2015.
11th Grade
World Views of the Western World Year 3 (Cornerstone Curriculum)
Calculus (Math U See)
Physics (Apologia)
Physical Education (We will be using a log sheet to track hours and activities for physical fitness.)
We will be rounding out the year with some electives that we are currently putting together. I love that we can tailor the electives (and the rest of the curriculum) to our high schooler’s interests and talents!
Elementary (2nd and 4th grade)
My Fathers World: Creation to the Greeks
Math U See (each at their own level)
Spell to Write and Read (for spelling)
IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) We will be trying this out for the first time and will be moving at a very slow pace. We will see how much we actually get accomplished this year.
Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Tree
Spell to Write and Read (for phonics)
Cursive First (for handwriting)
My preschooler will be sitting in on the kindergarten lessons whenever she wants to. Otherwise, she’ll be busy learning through play and exploration and we’ll continue working on pointing her little heart toward Jesus.
I was wondering how MFW–Creation to Greeks worked out for your 4th grader. We never got around to doing Countries and Cultures, which is what MFW recommends first.
My kids really enjoyed MFW Creation to Greeks. Actually, they loved all the MFW curriculum we used. It is not necessary to do Countries and Cultures before starting the history cycle. It was an excellent introduction to the different countries and cultures around the world but I don’t think it necessarily helped my kids understand the other levels better. You would be just fine jumping in at Creation to Greeks. 🙂
Janelle, Wow!! MFW & HOD.. Another homeschooling mom after mine own heart.. And as a still homeschooling newbie.. I have often wondered if combining the two for different ages was doable, and if anyone had actually ever done that before.. TY so much for all that you’ve taken the time to share right here.. A huge blessing & help.. & truly greatly appreciated, Huggs & Blessings, Shay.. aka (SK) ^_^