My oldest son is in 3rd grade. Where did the time go? Come see our 3rd grade homeschool curriculum choices for the 2017-2018 school year.
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This year I a focusing on developing his reading skills while minimizing frustration. With that in mind, I chose to place him one grade level lower for English and reading.
I also needed to find curriculum that he could do independently which is why you will see a lot of BJU Press Distance Learning curriculum in our 3rd grade homeschool curriculum choices.
We will continue using two of our favorite curriculums this year. Spell to Write and Read for spelling and Math-U-See for math.
3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Here is a look at our 3rd grade homeschool curriculum choices. Leave a comment and let me know what curriculum you are using with your 3rd grader.
My younger children and I do our Bible time together. We read from God’s Word, memorize scripture, learn doctrinal truths through catechisms and discuss difficult questions. Here are the resources I will be using this year for our Bible time.
Spelling and Reading
I love the Spell to Write and Read program so we will continue using it this year along with BJU Press Distance Learning Reading.
My son learned how to write in cursive before print. This year he will work on reviewing his cursive penmanship and learning the proper way to form letters in manuscript.
This will be my 3rd graders first year with formal grammar and writing. I placed him one grade level lower to ensure he has a successful and enjoyable introduction to formal grammar and writing.
When you find a curriculum that you love and that works for your kids, you stick with it!
Last year my son tried out BJU Press science and really enjoyed it so we are going to give it a try again this year.
He also tried BJU Press heritage studies last year so he will be doing it again this year.
Watch me share my 3rd grade homeschool curriculum choices.
Curious as to why your kids learned cursive before print. Could you explain why you made that choice? Also- great idea on moving down a grade level in reading and English. Hope your son enjoys reading and writing more and more!
Hi Sharon!
I’ve had several people ask my why I start with cursive so I’m working on a blog post all about the benefits I’ve found of starting with cursive instead of print. 🙂