This year my kids and I are trying out BJU Press Distance Learning for a lot of their subjects. As I looked through the BJU Press website for all the classes they offered on video, I found Pasaporte al español. It is a three year Spanish curriculum for the elementary grades.
The first year of instruction is on video which got me excited. I’ve been wanting to introduce my kids to the Spanish language but haven’t had the time to teach it. Not to mention that my Spanish skills are terrible.
Having an elementary Spanish curriculum, on video, that was taught by a Spanish speaker was just what I needed. Pasaporte al español was quickly added to my wish list for our homeschool this year. You can imagine how excited I was to learn that BJU Press was going to send me the Spanish curriculum for free to try out with my kids.
I’ll be sharing more about my family’s experience with this Spanish curriculum after we have used it for awhile. For now, you can take a look inside Pasaporte al español Kit A in the video below.
Here is a quick overview of what is included:
- Teacher’s Edition with lesson plans
- Teaching Charts
- Audio CD’s
- Read-aloud Books in Spanish
- Worktext books for each step (or year of Spanish)
- 8 DVDs with video instruction for step 1 (or the first year of Spanish)
- An adorable hedgehog puppet named Choco
Thanks for sharing! But so let me ask you, Kit A will be used for 3 years? I’m considering buying this at the convention but aren’t sure if I need to buy both then…will have my 2nd & 5th graders do this along with their little 4 yr old sister. Thanks!
Yes, Kit A covers 3 years of Spanish BUT only year one has video lessons that go with it. Year 2 and 3 you would have to teach on your own. The BJU people at the conventions are very helpful and knowledgeable so make sure to ask them any and all questions you have before purchasing.