Fifteen years of homeschooling has taught me that a homeschool routine that works well in one season doesn’t always work in another. This was the case for my family in the middle of this school year. Our old homeschool routine needed to be replaced with a new one.

My kids and I are really enjoying this new homeschool routine. It’s funny to think that we’ve said that about many of our routines and schedules. I guess it goes to show that routines and schedules need to change as the needs of the family change.
What Makes a Good Homeschool Routine?
I’ve learned that a good homeschool day starts the night before. Getting my kids to bed on time, getting enough sleep for myself and spending a few minutes tidying up our school area in the evening all make for a smoother morning the next day.

I have also learned that a good homeschool routine starts with the Lord. Homeschooling is hard. You can’t do it well apart from God. Time in the Word and time in prayer are vital to the success of your homeschool days.

A good homeschool routine is also one that is tailored to your family. It is tempting to duplicate the routine that is working so well for your friend. However, what works for them will, most likely, not work for you. Each family has unique situations and needs. A good homeschool routine is one that works for your family in your current situation. It may be structured or relaxed. The goal is not to model what someone else is doing but to find a homeschool routine that helps you accomplish what the Lord has called you to do with your children.

New Homeschool Routine
I’ve written out my family’s new homeschool routine below or you can watch me talk about it in this video.
- 6:00-7:30am
- My time in the Word and in prayer.
- I get dressed and ready for the day.
- I’m hoping to incorporate an exercise routine.
- 7:30-9:00am
- Wake up kids (if they aren’t already awake)
- Kids eat breakfast, get ready for the day
- Kids do their morning chores
- I eat breakfast, start laundry and help little ones
- 9:ooam-Noon
- School time for older kids
- Play time for younger ones
- Snack when the kids are hungry
- Noon- 2:00pm
- Lunch
- Free time for the kids
- 1:30 to 3:30 nap for my youngest
- I clean up lunch, put youngest to nap and tackle my to-do list (or just rest)
- 2:00-4:00pm
- Finish up any school work that didn’t get done
- Whenever the kids are done with school, they can head off to play some more
- Watch my video to hear what I do if any of my kids still haven’t finished their work by 4pm
- 4:00-6:00pm
- Free time for everyone
- We will often end school a little earlier in the afternoon, wake up the youngest from nap a little early and head out for a fun activity or to run errands if needed.
- 6:00-7:00pm
- Dinner time
- 7:00-8:30pm
- Evening chore time
- Family time
- Baths/showers for kids, if needed
- 8:30-9:00pm
- My husband and I read books to the younger ones
- The older kids read books in bed
- 9:00pm
- Lights out for the kids!
- 9:00pm on
- Time to myself to finish up tasks around the house, work on my blog or YouTube channel, read a book, etc.
- Spend time with my husband
- And several nights a week…. spend one-on-one time with one of my older children
- I try to be in bed by 10:00pm but no later than 11:00pm
What does your homeschool routine look like? Share in the comments below!
Your routine is so similar to mine! We usually don’t go out in the afternoon because my kids want to play with their friends who just got home from school and I am making dinner. Do you use a crockpot pretty often?
I love my crockpot! I use it quite often. 🙂
I need a better routine! I feel like when my house stays clean school suffers, when we are doing great with school, the house suffers. I rarely get to bed before midnight. I do have some online courses picked out for some subjects next year and I’m hoping that will free up some time. We are three weeks behind this year. We moved in November. I’m struggling with my weight and I just feel so stressed! Sigh!! The positive is I love having my kids at home. I have good kids and they have a good relationship with the Lord.