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Homeschooling through the high school years can seem intimidating especially when it comes to teaching subjects that you struggled through in your own high school days. For me, foreign language was not my strong suit. I often wondered how I was going to give my teens a solid foreign language experience when I knew very little about it.
When it comes to subjects that I’m not very good at, I turn to online, video based courses for my high schoolers.
BJU Press Distance Learning Spanish
This year my 9th grader is taking her first year of high school Spanish through the BJU Press Distance Learning program. We are using the online option but there is a DVD option as well.
BJU Press Spanish 1 is a year long high school course that is worth 1 credit in high school Spanish on a transcript. The course teaches Spanish as it is spoken in Latin America.
While many Spanish courses emphasize rote memorization, this course focuses more on the practical application of knowing the language. In addition, students learn about different Spanish countries and cultures.
Each chapter focuses on a different Spanish country that the student will research using a country questionnaire that is provided. There are also optional essay projects to do on various Spanish countries throughout the course.
As I’m writing this review, the course is only $79 which includes all of the materials plus access to the course online (or via DVD). That’s a great deal!

The video portion of the curriculum includes teaching instruction along with various segments designed to reinforce concepts in a fun and unique way. The different segments helped my daughter grasp the new concepts while reviewing previously learned material.
Students will do assignments from the student text (that they correct with the teacher during the video segment), as well as in their Activity Manual. The Activity Manual has 2 sections: Textbook Exercises (which reinforce what was taught) and Oral CD (which contains listening activities). The Activity Manual work is graded by the parent but very quick and easy to do especially with the online option.
I prefer the online option as quizzes and tests are taken online and automatically graded. I also have the ability to go in and adjust the grades if needed or reset the quizzes and tests if my daughter needed to attempt them a second time for a better grade.
The online option also gives the parent access to a Parent Discussion Forum where parents and BJU Press staff and instructors answer questions that come up while using the program. I asked a Spanish question and one of the Spanish instructors replied within 24 hours with the help I needed. It’s a huge relief to know that other parents and educators are walking alongside you as you navigate the high school years.
I’d have to say that BJU Press Distance Learning Spanish 1 is an excellent option for homeschool families. It allows the student to work through the course almost entirely on their own (except for a parent grading a few assignments) while being able to learn a language that may be unfamiliar to other family members.
Watch a Sample Spanish 1 Lesson
Want to know more about BJU Press Distance Learning Spanish? Watch a sample lesson and visit their website for more information.
Do you need help with homeschooling a high schooler?
If you are feeling overwhelmed with homeschooling a high school student then make sure to check out the resources below.
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