My 4th grader and 6th grader enjoy learning together so this year I am having them do several subject together. In the past, I’ve done multi-age learning with science and history. This year they will be doing grammar, writing and spelling together while history, science, reading and math will be done at their own levels.

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Homeschool Curriculum Choices
I’m excited to be mixing up their homeschool curriculum this year with courses from BJU Press, Institute for Excellence in Writing, Memoria Press and more! All of our homeschool curriculum choices for 4th and 6th grade are listed below.
My 4th grader and 6th grader are still working through their Exploring the Bible curriculum so we will continue it into the next school year. I’m still researching other Bible curriculum to use after they finish Exploring the Bible. I’ve got my eye on the 10-Minute Bible Journey from Master Books.
We will be using a mixture of homeschool curriculum for English. I’m really excited about our choices. My 4th grader and 6th grader will be doing spelling, grammar and writing together. They will be doing reading at their own level.
- IEW Structure and Style for Students Year 1 Level A (writing)
- Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Tree (grammar)
- Spell to Write and Read (spelling)
- BJU Press Distance Learning Reading (reading)

All of my kids are excited to be using the BJU Press Distance Learning program for history this coming school year. My 4th and 6th graders will be using BJU Press Distance Learning Heritage Studies (at their own levels) via the online option. Check out this video to learn more about the difference between the online and DVD options from BJU Press.
Since both my 4th grader and 6th grader will be learning about American history, I decided to add in a states and capitals review as well. I went with the States & Capitals curriculum from Memoria Press.

This year my 4th and 6th grader will be using the BJU Press Distance Learning online program for their science curriculum. They are both excited about their Distance Learning teachers. They will be taking separate courses at their own levels.
A few years ago, I switched a few of my kids over to BJU Press Distance Learning math. This year, all of my school age kids will be using BJU Press math including my 4th and 6th grader. They will using the Distance Learning videos through the online option. You can learn more about BJU Press math in this blog post review.

I realized this past school year that my 4th and 6th graders haven’t learned how to type properly. They can navigate a computer with ease but they don’t know how to type efficiently with correct finger placement. So, I’m setting up an account on for each of them.
More Homeschool Curriculum Choices and Help
Check out my other homeschool curriculum choices for 10th grade, 8th grade, 1st grade and preschool. And make sure to visit my homeschool curriculum page for help with choosing curriculum.
This is a great list. Thank you. My 4th grader will also be doing fix it grammar.