Welcome to the Homeschool Mom Podcast, where Biblical truth informs our everyday lives as homeschool moms.

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Episode 2: Homeschooling Multiple Grades (Part 1)
This is the first episode in a two-part series on homeschooling multiple grades. In this episode, we are going to look at some tips to save your sanity while homeschooling multiple grades. Make sure to check back next week for the second episode in this series which will focus on methods for managing multiple grades.
Below are my five sanity saving tips for homeschooling multiple grades.
- Establish your priorities (in your life, in your home and your homeschool.)
- Have a plan. (Curriculum, school year, routine)
- Create organizational systems.
- Teach your kids to be self-learners.
- Integrate learning into your daily life.
Resources and Links Mentioned
- Yearly Homeschool Goals and Why They are Important (YouTube video)
- Pros and Cons of Year-Round Homeschooling (blog post)
- Come Plan the School Year with Me (YouTube video)
- New Homeschool Routine (YouTube video)
- Other homeschool routines we have had in the past:
- Large Family Homeschool Schedule (blog post)
- Our Simple Homeschool Day Schedule (blog post)
- New Homeschool Routine (blog post)
- Homeschool Family Summer Routine (blog post)
- Homeschool Planning and Record Keeping Playlist (YouTube)
- Homeschool Organization Playlist (YouTube)
Our Family Homeschool Vision Statement
“To raise and educate children who love the Lord with all their hearts and minds, who are equipped to defend their faith, and who are dedicated to using the gifts and talents God has given them to serve and bless others for the glory of God.”
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