The middle school years are for building bridges from the foundational lessons my kids have learned in the elementary years to the more structured, higher learning of the high school years.
I make note of areas that each child needs to improve in to be ready for high school and focus our time and energy there. I also like to teach and reinforce note taking skills, study skills, and test taking skills.
These are also the years for exploring each child’s interests and giving a little more flexibility to the curriculum choices.
With that in mind, here is a look at our sixth grade homeschool curriculum choices.

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Sixth Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
My six children that are still being homeschooled will be gathering together with me in the morning and at lunchtime for family learning. We will cover Bible, logic, manners, character traits, and discuss current events and topics from a Biblical worldview. You can read more about what we are using in this blog post.
History Curriculum
This year, my sixth grader will be joining her older brother for history lessons. Together they will be working through Uncle Sam and You from Notgrass History.
We will also be using the literature component that goes along with the history curriculum. It’s been quite a few years since we have done literature and history together. I’m excited to get back to reading books related to the topics we are covering in history.

English Curriculum
Along with the literature readings from Notgrass History, my sixth grader will also be covering writing, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. We will be using a lot of what I already had in my curriculum tubs along with a new resource for vocabulary.
Here is a look at what we will be using:
- Uncle Sam and You literature package (literature)
- Poetry for the Grammar Stage (literature/poetry)
- Structure and Style for Students (writing)
- Fix It! Grammar (grammar)
- Winston Grammar (grammar)
- All About Spelling (spelling)
- Daily Reading Practice 6 (vocabulary & reading comprehension)
We are half way through our Structure and Style for Students writing curriculum so we will move through it at a slower pace and incorporate some of the writing assignments from the Uncle Sam and You history and literature curriculum.
My sixth grader is also more than half way through the Fix It! Grammar curriculum she started last year so we will finish that up and then finish up the year with some Winston Grammar lessons.
We will continue working through the Poetry for the Grammar Stage curriculum from Memoria Press. My goal is to cover four poems this year.
I’m excited to try out the Daily Reading Practice curriculum this year. It incorporates reading comprehension with vocabulary. I’ll keep you posted on how we like it.
Math Curriculum
For math, my sixth grader will be using Math-U-See: Epsilon. Last year she breezed through BJU Press Math 5 and completed it 3 months before our school year was up. I didn’t want her to go over 6 months without math (3 months of summer plus the 3 months left in the school year) so I had her start MUS Epsilon since I already had the curriculum on hand. We will finish it up this school year and then decide what to do next.
Science Curriculum
My daughter has been interested in health lately so I thought a health curriculum for science this year would be a great fit for her. We are going with the Living Healthy curriculum from Master Books. It is only a one semester course but we will stretch it over a year and add in some extra reading including the book, It’s Great to Be a Girl by Dannah Gresh.
Art Curriculum
Since my art lover has a lighter load for science this year, I decided to add in an art curriculum. She will be working through the Living Art Lessons curriculum from MasterBooks.
I think it is going to be a great year of learning and exploring the things that interest her while also learning some new skills like note taking and good study habits.

Summary of Sixth Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Here is a quick overview of our sixth grade homeschool curriculum choices:
- Family Morning Basket and Bible & Logic: More details in this post.
- History & Literature: Uncle Sam and You and Poetry for the Grammar Stage
- Writing: Structure and Style for Students
- Grammar: Fix It! Grammar and Winston Grammar
- Spelling: All About Spelling
- Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary: Daily Reading Practice 6
- Math: Math-U-See Epsilon
- Science: Living Healthy and It’s Great to Be a Girl plus additional books related to topics being studied.
- Art: Living Art Lessons
2022-2023 Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Check out all my homeschool curriculum choices for the 2022-2023 homeschool school year below.
Weekly Checklists$1.99
Homeschool Planning Sheets Pack$4.99
Weekly Lesson Plans Pack$4.99
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