It’s that time of year when I start looking at curriculum and planning for the next homeschool year. I have two kids in high school right now so I’m spending a lot of time researching unique high school courses for homeschoolers that fit their interests and future goals. I’ve stumbled upon some excellent options for homeschoolers and wanted to share them with you.

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High School Courses for Homeschoolers
Some of the courses below are ones my teens have already taken and enjoyed. Many of them are ones I have recently discovered on my quest to find unique high school courses for my kids.
Two Unique High School Courses
First up is this life changing course from ACBC (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors). The Foundations for Biblical Discipleship course is a full year course that “equips students to apply theology to life issues they will encounter so that they can be prepared to engage the world in light of God’s Word.” Two of my teens have already gone through this course and they both agree that it is life changing and very practical. Because of the content in the course, it is best suited for juniors and seniors.
- Foundations for Biblical Discipleship (full year)
Next up is this new course from Generations. How the World Runs is a full year economic course that covers micro and macro economics from a Biblical worldview. I haven’t used this curriculum but a quick look at the sample pages on their website lead me to believe that this course could also count towards a work studies or internship credit. I would count it as a half credit of economics and a half credit of work studies on a transcript.
- How the Word Runs (full year)
High School Courses from IEW
One of my favorite homeschool curriculum providers has two newer courses for high school students. IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) has an Introduction to Public Speaking course and a University-Ready Writing course. Both are 1 semester courses.
- IEW Introduction to Public Speaking (1 semester)
- IEW University-Ready Writing (1 semester)
High School Courses from HSLDA Academy
HSLDA has been a leader in homeschool freedoms. Now they offer high school level courses through their HSLDA Online Academy. Their live, interactive courses can be a great addition to your student’s high school courses. My daughter enjoyed taking the Graphic and Web Design class.
- Graphic and Web Design (1 semester)
- Computer Science (1 semester)
- Business & Entrepreneurship (full year)
Unique Courses from BJU Press
If you followed me for any length of time, you know I love BJU Press curriculum. Two of their newer high school courses look amazing. Consumer Math teaches your student about personal finances from a Biblical worldview. My daughter will be taking that course next year. American Sign Language is another course that looks amazing! It’s a great way to get in a foreign language credit.
- Consumer Math (full year)
- American Sign Language (full year)

Fine Art Courses from Compass Classroom
Compass Classroom offers video based courses, at an affordable price, from a Christian worldview. They have quite a few unique high school courses to choose from but Filmmaking from the First Directors and The Story of Music: Music History and Appreciation piqued my interest.
- Filmmaking from the First Directors (full year)
- The Story of Great Music: Music History and Appreciation (1 semester)
Fine Art Courses from Film School 4 Teens
Film School 4 Teens offers numerous options for teens interested in film, photography, video editing, graphic design and more! One of my kids took the Intro to Filmmaking course as well as the Photography 4 Teens course. She enjoyed both of them and learned a lot.
- Intro to Filmmaking (full year)
- Photography 4 Teens (1 semester)
- Video Editing 101 (1 semester)
Unique Electives from Master Books and Master Books Academy
We have enjoyed several elective courses from Master Books and Master Books Academy. You can read my reviews of Comparative Religions and Introduction to Logic. One of my teens just finished up Fundamentals in Music Theory and is currently enjoying Art for the High School Student.
- Biblical Archaeology (full year)
- Comparative Religions (full year)
- Introduction to Logic (full year)
- Art for the High School Student (1 semester)
- Fundamentals in Music Theory (1 semester)

Trade School Electives from Christian Light Education
Christian Light Education is a Mennonite publishing company that offers curriculum for all ages. What’s unique about them is that they have created very practical high school electives. Whether your teen wants to learn a new hobby, gain a new skill, or prepare for trade school, these high school electives might be a great option.
Below are a few of their elective courses. Click here for a description of each course.
- Auto Fundamentals (full year)
- Carpentry (full year)
- Computer Service and Repair (full year)
- Agriscience (full year)
- Exploring Woodworking (full year)
- Horticulture (full year)
- Modern Residential Wiring (full year)
- Accounting (full year)
Create Your Own Unique High School Courses
Did you know that you can create your own unique courses for your teen? Learn how in this blog post and video. Need ideas for high school elective options? Find a list here. And make sure to check out my Homeschool High School Resource Guide for more help with homeschooling a high schooler.

Homeschool High School Forms Pack
Ease your worries about the high school years with these helpful high school forms. Print off as many as you need to stay organized with high school record keeping and planning. This is a digital product.
Very helpful, thank you!
Glad it was helpful!
This is a fantastic list. I’ve been looking for a good photography course for my son to be 9th grader, so I’m definitely saving that one. Thank you!
Yay! Glad it was helpful.