Welcome! I’m so glad you are here.
I’m Janelle Knutson, wife and homeschool mom to seven children.
I’m also a homeschool blogger, YouTuber, podcaster, homeschool consultant, and speaker but the most important thing about me is that I am saved by faith through the work of Christ! (Read my Statement of Faith here.)
This is my little space to share the joys and struggles of homeschooling, to offer encouragement, provide practical tips and share curriculum reviews.
The Longer Version
I’m guessing that if you clicked on this page you’d like to know a little bit more about me.
I grew up in a Christian home and accepted the Lord as my Savior at an early age but I didn’t fully grasp the amazing gift that God had given me in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I lived a life of works instead of grace. I struggled to understand God’s character and sovereignty and how that fit into my life as a child and teenager.
This led to some personal struggles and poor choices as a teenager and young adult. At the age of 18, I found out I was pregnant and shortly after turning 19, I became a single mother to my beautiful, oldest daughter.
Praise God that He didn’t leave me to my foolish ways. As I studied His Word and listened to Biblical teaching, my walk with the Lord became stronger and full of joy.
When my oldest daughter was four years old, I married my husband, who later adopted my daughter as his own. Together we had six more children. Yip, that makes seven kids!
We began homeschooling when our oldest daughter was in 1st grade. We thought God was leading us to homeschool so our daughter could have a rigorous classical education. Unknown to us, God had another reason for us to homeschool. We are so thankful that God used academics to get us into homeschooling. We are even more thankful for the opportunity to disciple our children and grow in our love and knowledge of the Lord as a family.
I’ve graduated my oldest two children from our homeschool but I still have five more kids to go. Some days are crazy. Okay… let’s be real here. MOST days are crazy! But, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
My Family’s Homeschool Journey
Let’s Stay Connected!
I love hearing from you! You can contact me here.
Better yet, join my email newsletter or follow me on social media.
And don’t forget to check out my podcast – Homeschool Mom Podcast!
You can also find me sharing my passion for homeschooling, homemaking, parenting and biblical truth as a guest writer and/or speaker for various blogs, magazines and companies. Find out more here.