Like many parents, I want to read quality literature to my children. When it comes to Christian literature for kids, it can be hard to find books that compare to the classic literature that we love. That is why I was excited to discover six children’s books that contain excellent stories and beautiful illustrations that […]
Math Lessons for a Living Education
Math Lessons for a Living Education is an elementary math curriculum that uses the Charlotte Mason method. Children learn math concepts, along with Christian values, as they read stories about two children named Charlie and Charlotte. It’s a unique approach to teaching math that only takes a few minutes. No teacher’s manual is needed, as […]
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Turn on your child’s favorite science show or open up a book about dinosaurs and your child will immediately hear that the earth is millions of years old and that dinosaurs lived long before any humans were alive. Eventually your child is going to ask you how the Bible and the story of creation fit […]
How I Modify the BJU Press Distance Learning Online Program
The BJU Press Distance Learning program has been a great fit for my family this year. My kids are enjoying the video instruction and I am appreciating the extra help with educating my kids at home. (Scroll down to the bottom to watch a more recent video on how I modify BJU Press video lessons.) […]
3 Places Homeschool Moms Can Find Encouragement
As homeschool moms, we can quickly grow discouraged as we juggle homeschooling, home management, our marriage, our kids and all the other responsibilities we have. That is why it’s important for homeschool moms to find a good source for ongoing encouragement. Are you looking for encouragement? Here are three places where homeschool moms can find […]
5 Simple Solutions for Homeschooling Big Kids with Little Ones Underfoot
Homeschooling with Little Ones is Challenging I had 2 months of homeschooling an older child without any little ones around. That’s it! Just 2 months! Then, my second child was born and our homeschool journey became more difficult. Over the years, I’ve either had a baby, a toddler, a preschooler or all three underfoot while […]
Curriculum Review Comparing BJU Press Distance Learning and ABeka Academy
Last year I realized I needed to change the way I homeschooled my kids. Besides a few co-op classes for extra-curricular subjects, I had been teaching all of my children, all of their cores subjects on my own for over 10 years. I just couldn’t find the time or the energy to homeschool four children while […]
A Look Inside BJU Press Elementary Spanish Curriculum
This year my kids and I are trying out BJU Press Distance Learning for a lot of their subjects. As I looked through the BJU Press website for all the classes they offered on video, I found Pasaporte al español. It is a three year Spanish curriculum for the elementary grades. The first year of […]
Creating a Student Binder for The Mystery of History
The Mystery of History curriculum makes a great read-aloud for the entire family but this year my seventh grader is working through volume 4 on her own. That meant that she not only needed a history binder but also a checklist to follow so she knew exactly what to do each day. Keep reading to […]
How I Set Up and Use My Student Logbook
My Student Logbook has been a sanity saver for me. My kids are able to work more independently on their homeschool work while I only have to write out their weekly checklist once for the entire school year. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.) My third grader and fifth grader are […]
4 Keys for a Winning Homeschool High School Transcript
Colleges are realizing that homeschoolers have a lot to offer in higher education but it’s still a good idea to have a winning high school transcript. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.) You want to “wow” the college admissions office with your teen’s accomplishments. A great transcript is the way to […]
7th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2017-2018
It’s time for another homeschool year. Here are my 7th grade homeschool curriculum choices for the 2017-2018 school year. Curious about what I’m using in other grades this year? I have a 1st grader, 3rd grader and 5th grader as well. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.) 7th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices […]