Sometimes kids struggle with pen and paper writing activities. A great alternative to practicing handwriting is using a salt box. Find a shallow box and if the box is light in color, tape black construction paper to the bottom, inside of the box. (This will make a better contrast with the white salt and help […]
Mom’s Survival Guide to Shopping with Little Kids
Every parent knows that it is more efficient to leave the kids at home when shopping. We’ve all had at least one horrible experience of dragging our kids to the store. You know what I’m talking about….right? The whining and the tantrums. The baby with a blow-out diaper, the toddler who is hungry, the child who […]
Sharing the Gospel with Your Kids
I’d venture to say that just about every parent hopes to pass on their beliefs to their children. Whether that parent is a Christian or an atheist, their views about the world, themselves and God are important enough to them to want to share those views with their kids. Parents want their kids to not […]
Fishing for Phonograms (Letter Sounds)
We like to make learning fun around here. My goal for my kid’s education is to encourage an attitude of life long learning. That doesn’t come from boring workbooks (although I do use them). Instead, I try to make learning fun, especially for the little ones. One of the activities I use to help teach my […]