My oldest son is in 3rd grade. Where did the time go? Come see our 3rd grade homeschool curriculum choices for the 2017-2018 school year. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.) This year I a focusing on developing his reading skills while minimizing frustration. With that in mind, I chose to […]
Where Biblical truth informs our everyday lives as homeschool moms.
1st Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2017-2018
Is it already time to start another homeschool year? Well, that means it is time to share my homeschool curriculum choices for the 2017-2018 school year. I am trying out some new curriculum and sticking with a few favorites. Here are my 1st grade homeschool curriculum choices. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full […]
Homeschool Room Tour: Simple Design for Any Space
I enjoy getting things organized and ready for the new homeschool year. Over the course of 14 years of homeschooling, I’ve organized our school area in a dedicated school room, our kitchen and our dining room. I’ve taught my children their lessons in just about every room of our house as well as in our […]
Helpful Tips for Using Math-U-See
The first year I started homeschooling I chose Math-U-See to use with my first grader. Fourteen years later and I’m still using this excellent math curriculum. I love using Math-U-See and so do my kids. I’ve used it from Primer through Calculus and in the process I’ve discovered a few helpful tips. (This post contains […]
The Mystery of History Curriculum Review
I never liked history when I was in school but homeschooling has given me a whole new appreciation and love for history. It started with the first curriculum I purchased for my oldest daughter years ago. That curriculum taught history through a biblical worldview. My daughter and I began to see God’s hand throughout history […]
How to Plan When to Start and Finish Your Homeschool Year
When I was new to homeschooling everything seemed overwhelming. Trying to decide when to start and finish our homeschool year was no exception. I remember just staring at a calendar and wondering what day we should officially start. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.) I sat down a few days ago […]
My Favorite Homeschool Curriculums
I’ve used a lot of homeschool curriculums over the years. There are numerous ones that my kids and I have enjoyed but there are a few that stand out as our favorites. Keep on reading to discover my seven favorite homeschool curriculums and then leave a comment and share your favorites. (This post contains affiliate […]
Our Summer Routine as a Homeschool Family
Our school year has come to an end and summer has begun which means it’s time to create a summer routine for my family. With six kids still living at home, I have found a simple summer routine makes our days less chaotic and more enjoyable. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure […]
5 Steps to Preparing for a New Homeschool Year
It seems like one homeschool year ends and a new homeschool year rolls right in. Whether you homeschool year round or take a summer break, you still need to wrap up the previous year and make preparations for the new one. Here are five steps to help you prepare for the new homeschool year. (This […]
Spell to Write and Read Supplemental Resources
I love the Spell to Write and Read program for teaching reading and spelling. If you aren’t familiar with the program then check this video. While supplemental resources are not needed to teach the program, they can add more interest for the student and be a great help to the teacher. I have compiled a […]
4 Things To Do Now for a Great Transcript Later
Scrambling at the last minute to create a high school transcript for your child isn’t the best choice. Believe me! I know from experience. My daughter was applying to a college and she needed her high school transcript. Since we homeschool privately, it was my responsibility to produce one for her. The problem was, I […]
Noah’s Ark and the Flood: Answering Children’s Questions
One of the things I love about homeschooling is being able to teach my children history and science from a Biblical worldview. Learning about Noah’s ark and the world-wide Flood is no exception. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.) The question seems inevitable. “Mom, how did all the animals fit on […]