(This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.) Easter is on its way! I love celebrating the resurrection of Jesus and reflecting on the amazing gift of salvation. I especially enjoy sharing this time of year with my children. Some of my favorite Easter activities are decorating eggs, worshiping with other believers on Good Friday […]
Where Biblical truth informs our everyday lives as homeschool moms.
Is Public School the Best Choice for My Child?
People often ask me my opinion on the public school versus homeschool debate. I don’t mind sharing the reasons behind why my husband and I have chosen to homeschool our children. I don’t even mind talking about my strong convictions for Christian education. However, when it comes to answering the question of what you should […]
Demystifying the Spell to Write and Read Program
I love the Spell to Write and Read program for teaching phonics, spelling and reading to my children. I know from experience that Spell to Write and Read (SWR) can seem daunting when you first get it. In this video I try to demystify the program for you so that it’s not so overwhelming. You […]
Tackling High School Physical Education for the Homeschooler
I’m sure most of us remember going to PE or gym class in high school. My memories include wearing an unattractive PE uniform, the awkwardness of changing in the locker room with dozens of other teenage girls, and participating in sports that I was not interested in. I always hoped my school schedule had PE […]
How to Help Your Older Kid Who Hates School Work
What do you do when your older kid protests against an assignment? As a parent, you probably recognize the importance of completing a lesson even when your child dislikes doing it. Learning to follow through on a task is part of growing up and learning to be responsible. On the other hand you want your older […]
WISE Guide Enrichment Activity Worksheets {Review}
My absolute favorite phonics, spelling and reading curriculum is Spell to Write and Read and using this curriculum just got easier with the creation of the WISE Guide Enrichment Activity Worksheets books! (Check them out here.)Elizabeth FitzGerald, homeschool mom and SWR trainer, has created worksheets to go with the enrichment activities in the WISE Guide […]
How to Deal with a Young Reluctant Learner
You ask your child to complete an assignment for school and you are met with resistance. Do you force them to finish, have them set it aside for another time or just toss the assignment altogether? You’ve probably had a reluctant learner at one time or another if you have homeschooled for more than a […]
Saint Valentine and the History of Valentine’s Day
Who was Saint Valentine? When did Valentine’s Day start? And how did hearts, flowers, love letters and chocolate candies get associated with this holiday? Let’s take a closer look at Saint Valentine and the history of Valentine’s Day to answer these questions. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.) Saint Valentine Early church […]
Subjects for Multi-Age Learning
With five children to home educate this year, I don’t have the time to teach each child a separate lesson for every subject. That’s why I am using multi-age curriculum to teach my elementary age children a few subjects together. Four kids, one lesson…that’s a good deal! Below is a list of subjects that work well […]
God Made All of Me {Book Review}
{This post contains affiliate links.} “One in four women and one in six men have been or will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.” (from God Made All of Me by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb) Those are sobering statistics. What can parents do to protect their children? A good first step is to educate yourself […]
Math Placement Help for Pre-Algebra and Geometry
One of the challenges of homeschooling is knowing when to offer instruction in a particular subject or topic. I was recently asked when it was appropriate to move a child from foundational math to pre-algebra and it made me wonder how many other homeschool parents ponder the same thing. I decided to chat with a […]
Gaining Control of the Game Cabinet
Our family loves spending time together playing games which means we have a lot of them. Storing all our games has been a challenge for years. Stacking board games on top of each other with card games tossed in usually leads to a crashing pile of games on the floor every time someone wants to […]