Homeschooling multiple ages can be a challenge but The Mystery of History makes teaching history to my four elementary age children simple! If you aren’t familiar with The Mystery of History curriculum it’s a chronological, multi-age history curriculum with a Christian worldview. They have four volumes, each volume covering a different time period. We are doing Volume […]
Where Biblical truth informs our everyday lives as homeschool moms.
Large Family Homeschool Schedule
How does a mom of many teach all her kids all those subjects while juggling a toddler? With a good schedule! At least, that’s how I manage! There were several things I had to consider when creating our current schedule. Making sure someone was playing with the toddler at all times. (He can get into […]
Homeschool Curriculum 2015-2016
We are in our 13th week of homeschooling this year and I’m finally getting around to posting our curriculum list. Better late than never….right? Here is the curriculum I’m using this year with my elementary age kids. So far we are enjoying all of it! {This post contains affiliate links.} 5th Grade Spelling: Spell to Write […]
Reformation Day Activities
Did you know that on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses (or concerns) regarding the practices in the Catholic Church to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany? His actions sparked the Protestant Reformation! {This post contains affiliate links.} If you would like to know more about Martin Luther you […]
Mystery of History II Lesson Planner
This year we are trying out a new history curriculum. After hearing great things about The Mystery of History, I decided to give it a try. I wanted to incorporate The Story of the World (SOTW) since I had several volumes already. I created a lesson planner for The Mystery of History Volume II to […]
Little Hearts For His Glory: Why I Liked It But Didn’t Use It
This school year was the first time I had ever purchased a curriculum for kindergarten other than the phonics and math programs I have always used. I was hoping to find something that my active son would enjoy doing that would make school time more fun than just learning to read and do math. I […]
Getting Started in Homeschooling
Homeschooling can seem overwhelming, especially for those of us who grew up in a traditional school setting whether it was public or private school. If you are venturing out into the unknown world of homeschooling then this post should be helpful to you! Let’s take a look at what you need to do to get […]
4 Common Mistakes When Teaching a Child to Read
Today I want to share four common mistakes that teachers and parents often make when teaching a child to read. Mistake #1: Teaching the names of the letters first. When we read a word we do not need to know the name of the letter but rather the sounds that the letter makes. Take the […]
The Child’s Story Bible
The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine F. Vos is my absolute favorite Bible storybook for kids. It is geared toward children 6 years old on up to adults, although my children as young as 3 years old have enjoyed listening to the stories alongside their siblings. This is not a picture book, although there are […]
When do you find the time to plan lessons?
It’s been a long time since I have answered some of your homeschool questions! Today I wanted to talk about lesson planning. One of you asked me, “When do you find the time to plan lessons?” The quick answer is that you can do as much or as little lesson planning as you want. Different […]
My Student Logbook
About two years ago I found myself overwhelmed with homeschooling. It was becoming difficult to keep everyone on track and I had a steady stream of questions about what subject they should do next or how long they should work on an assignment. I contemplated using the workbox system but the amount of space those […]
Santa Claus
Every year in December Christmas fills our lives with bright lights, beautifully wrapped presents, hot chocolate and baked goodies, caroling and the gathering of family and friends. For those of us who are Christians, Christmas also means celebrating the birth of our Savior and rejoicing in God’s gift of eternal life. But what should we […]