Thanksgiving has come and gone which means it’s time to pull out the Christmas decorations and our family’s favorite Christmas books. There’s just something special about snuggling with a child on the couch and reading a book while being surrounded by Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree weighted down with lights and ornaments. Here are some […]
Where Biblical truth informs our everyday lives as homeschool moms.
Saving My Sanity {Homeschool Tips}
5 Sanity Saving Tips for Homeschool Moms Homeschooling can drive a mama crazy sometimes. Believe me when I say that I have had my moments of wanting to give up. (You can read about one of those times here.) Thankfully the Lord has encouraged me along the way and even directed me to find some […]
A New Favorite for Preschool and Kindergarten {Rod and Staff}
I’ve never been big on investing lots of money on preschool (or even kindergarten) curriculum. I’m happy letting my kids play all day and leaving the formal education until they are older. However, it’s always nice to have a few things on hand for when my kids start showing an interest in doing school work […]
Reformation Day
It’s October, which means leaves are changing color, trips are being taken to the pumpkin patch and many of you are gearing up for Halloween. But did you know that Reformation Day is in October as well? On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on to the door of the Castle Church […]
Organizing Puzzles
Puzzles, puzzles everywhere! I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to store my children’s puzzles for years! Boxed puzzles take up so much space and wooden puzzles are difficult for my little ones to pull out when they are stacked on top of each other. I took some time this summer to reorganize […]
Two Quick Tips for Homeschool Newbies
Are you new to homeschooling? If so, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed! I know how daunting homeschooling can seem when you are just starting out. Here are two tips that can help you get off on the right track as you start your homeschooling journey. 1. Commit to two full years of homeschooling. […]
From Primer to Calculus: Why We Use Math U See
Of all the curriculum that we have used over our ten years of homeschooling, Math U See is one program that I can’t imagine homeschooling without. It has provided my children with a solid foundation in math while helping them understand the concepts in addition to memorizing facts and formulas. As a kid, I was […]
How can I homeschool when my kids won’t listen to me?
“I would love to homeschool my kids but they don’t obey me very well so it would never work.” “I tried homeschooling but my kids and I just butted heads all the time so I gave up.” “My child follows instructions better from his school teacher than he does from me so it’s better he […]
Homeschool Curriculum 2014-2015
It’s time to start another school year! This year I will be formally home educating 4 children including a junior in high school, a 4th grader, a 2nd grader and a kindergartner. I’ll also have an energetic preschooler and a busy 1 year old to care for while attempting to homeschool the older kids! We […]
How to Make the Family Road Trip More Enjoyable
We just returned from a three week road trip with our family of eight so I thought I would share with you some of the things I put together in an effort to make the trip more enjoyable for parents and kids alike. {This post contains affiliate links.} Road Trip Countdown Banner My daughter printed […]
Overcoming the Challenges of the Spell to Write and Read Program
Over a decade of homeschooling means a lot of different curricula has come and gone in our home. Spell to Write and Read (SWR) by Wanda Sanseri is one program that I can’t imagine homeschooling without. It’s a low cost yet highly effective phonics-based program for spelling and reading. If you want to know more about […]
11 Tips for Homeschooling Older Children with Little Ones Around
Ever since my family began our homeschooling journey, I’ve had at least one little one to care for while attempting to home educate an older child (or two or three). This coming school year I’ll be juggling an infant and a 4 year old while trying to homeschool a kindergartner, 2nd grader, 4th grader and […]