Over a decade of homeschooling means a lot of different curricula has come and gone in our home. Spell to Write and Read (SWR) by Wanda Sanseri is one program that I can’t imagine homeschooling without. It’s a low cost yet highly effective phonics-based program for spelling and reading. If you want to know more about […]
Where Biblical truth informs our everyday lives as homeschool moms.
11 Tips for Homeschooling Older Children with Little Ones Around
Ever since my family began our homeschooling journey, I’ve had at least one little one to care for while attempting to home educate an older child (or two or three). This coming school year I’ll be juggling an infant and a 4 year old while trying to homeschool a kindergartner, 2nd grader, 4th grader and […]
Homeschooling with Little Ones: There’s More To It Than Just Keeping Them Quiet
It can be quite a challenge trying to home educate older children with little ones around. I don’t know how many times I went to bed feeling like a homeschool mom failure as I contemplated the school work that was neglected and the huge amount of time that the little ones dominated that day. I […]
What Are Learning Styles?
Parents and educators talk a lot about learning styles and the important role they play in helping a child learn. What is a learning style and how do you figure out what your child’s learning style is? Watch my video below for an introduction to learning styles. Then, scroll down for more information and helpful […]
Jurisdictions: Giving My Kids Responsibility Over One Area of the Home
When all my kids were little I did most of the cleaning around the house. As they got older, I taught them how to help me with chores. Each year my little helpers got better at helping and more efficient at cleaning . As we added more children to our family (we now how six) […]
Encouragement for the Stressed-Out Homeschool Mom
There were a lot of late night chats with my husband this past month about how stressed-out I had been with homeschooling and motherhood. The new year had bombarded us with numerous appointments (that interrupted our school day), sickness (that caused all school work to come to a halt) and the daily demands of keeping […]
Five Reasons to Attend a Homeschool Convention
As each school year comes to an end I always look forward to attending our local homeschool convention. I have gained so much encouragement and fresh insight to motivate me and get me ready for another year of homeschooling. Perhaps some of you are wondering what benefit a homeschool convention has to offer you. Well, […]
How to Homeschool with a Baby
Believe me when I say I understand the challenges moms face when homeschooling with a baby. My kids and I are resuming our school work after taking a few months off after the birth of my sixth child. I’ve been through this before and have learned some creative ways to keep baby happy while attending to […]
Spell to Write and Read
One curriculum that we really enjoy using in our home is called Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri. It is a phonics and spelling program for preschool thru high school age students. I love that I only had to purchase the core kit one time for all my children for all the grade […]
Our Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2013-2014
“What curriculum do you use?” is a question that I get a lot so I thought I’d take a few moments to write-up a list of homeschool curriculum our family is using this school year. Keep in mind that every family is different and what works for us might not work for you (and may not even work […]
What Your Teen Wants You To Know
I sat my 15 year old daughter down a few weeks ago and asked her what she thought teens might want their parents to know. It was a very insightful conversation so I asked her if I could jot down her thoughts and share them with other parents of teens. She agreed and so without […]
Learning with Candy Land
My kids love games and they would pick playing a game over doing school work any day so I came up with this Candy Land game to help review our Spell to Write and Read phonograms and spelling words. Of course, you can modify this game to fit your own spelling and phonics program too. […]