Daily reading God’s Word is essential to our spiritual growth and maturity but it can be a challenge to find the time and the desire to read our Bible amidst the chaos of motherhood. In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, I am sharing a time when the interruptions of my kids taught me a lot about my own sin and my need for the Lord.
Where Biblical truth informs our everyday lives as homeschool moms.
Homeschool Virtual Field Trips
Virtual field trips are a great way to enhance your homeschool lessons and get your kids excited about what they are learning!
Homeschool Planners, Checklists, and Record Keeping Systems
Homeschool organization doesn’t have to be complicated! Let’s look at some resources that can help you stay on track and homeschool successfully! I’m sharing homeschool planners, checklists, record keeping systems and more!
Fix It! Grammar: New Edition, New Things to Love
The Institute for Excellence in Writing recently released its 4th edition of the Fix It! Grammar curriculum. All the things I love about this grammar curriculum have remained the same while new features make the curriculum even easier to use. Find out more in this review.
10 Practical Tips for Homeschooling Big Kids with Little Ones Underfoot
In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, we are looking at 10 practical tips for homeschooling big kids with little ones underfoot.
Hope for the Imperfect Mom
Is there hope for the imperfect mom? Yes, there is! In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast you’ll find encouragement from Scripture for the weary and discouraged mom. Come listen and be encouraged!
BJU Press English 2 Curriculum Review
There’s nothing like getting new curriculum in the mail. After 18 years of homeschooling, I still get excited when a box of curriculum arrives on our doorstep. This time, my excitement was from the BJU Press English 2 curriculum that my son and I were opening up. I had my eye on this new edition for awhile and I was eager to rip open the packaging and flip through the pages!
Phonics, Spelling, Reading and Phonemic Awareness
In this video, I chat a bit about teaching phonics, spelling, reading, and phonemic awareness. I also share some of my favorite homeschool curriculum for spelling and reading.
The Role of Parents in the Life of Their Kids
In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, we are looking into God’s Word to see what it has to say to those of us in the midst of parenting. We will discuss three roles or responsibilities that parents have in the life of their kids.
Is Homeschooling More Than You Can Handle?
Is homeschooling more than you can handle? In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, we go to God’s Word to answer this question and to find help for the overwhelmed homeschool mom.
Homeschooling Big Kids with Little Ones Underfoot
Are you struggling to homeschool your big kids with little ones underfoot? Feeling overwhelmed? Ready to give up on homeschooling? Wondering if you are failing your older kids and neglecting your younger ones? If you answered yes then this podcast episode is for you! Get the encouragement and help you need to continue homeschooling your big kids with little ones underfoot.
Helpful Resources for Difficult Topics
Are you or a loved one or friend dealing with a difficult topic? Are you wanting to address these issues from a biblical view but wondering how the Bible speaks to the struggles and hardships you or your loved one is facing? You will want to check out this helpful resource for difficult topics!