In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, I’m going to tackle homeschool organization. Learn tips to organize your homeschool days, lessons, curriculum, supplies and more!
Where Biblical truth informs our everyday lives as homeschool moms.
Homeschool Co-ops: Are They Right For You?
In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, we are talking about homeschool co-ops. What are they? What are the benefits and drawbacks of a homeschool co-op? And should your family participate in one?
Homeschool Curriculum from IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing)
My kids and I are enjoying the new Structure and Style for Students writing curriculum and Fix It! Grammar curriculum from the Institute for Excellence in Writing, but did you know that they have lots of other products to help homeschool families learn Language Arts?
The Reading Game Review
The Reading Game promises to teach your child to read in a week but does it really work? I share more about the game and give my honest review in this blog post and video.
Poetry for the Grammar Stage from Memoria Press
Poetry for the Grammar stage is a poetry curriculum for homeschoolers from Memoria Press. It is geared towards 3rd through 7th grade students and can be done over a four year period. If you are looking for a poetry curriculum, this might be a great option for you and your kids.
Balancing Housework and Homeschooling
Feeling overwhelmed with housework and homeschooling? Check out this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast where I share six practical tips for balancing housework and homeschooling.
Avoiding the Sunday Morning Scramble
In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, I’m sharing some practical tips to prepare your family for Sunday worship. We will chat about why it is important to avoid the Sunday morning scramble as well as look at three areas that we can prepare for so that our families are ready to worship God.
Benefits of Keeping Your Preschooler at Home
In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, I share four benefits to keeping your child at home during the preschool years.
New Homeschool Curriculum
This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here. Some of our homeschool curriculum for the upcoming homeschool year has arrived in the mail! There is still another box of BJU Press curriculum that has to arrive, I have to order a few more things, and I am reusing some curriculum that is stored […]
Benefits of Homeschooling and Why We Homeschool Our Kids
In this bonus episode, I am sharing five benefits of homeschooling plus talking about why we have continued to homeschool through many challenges.
Homeschooling versus Public School at Home
What’s the difference between homeschooling and public school at home? So many families have been “crisis schooling” at home because of Covid. Is it the same thing as homeschooling? Find out in this video!
Homeschooling Multiple Grades (Part 2)
This is the second episode in my two-part series about homeschooling multiple grades. In the last episode we looked at some tips for saving your sanity while homeschooling multiple grades. In this episode, we are going to focus on methods for managing multiple grades.