We really enjoyed this world geography course from Memoria Press. Find out what’s included, take a look inside the curriculum and learn how we used it in our homeschool for 9th grade.
Where Biblical truth informs our everyday lives as homeschool moms.
Comparative Religions Curriculum Review (Master Books)
Comparative Religions from Master Books was my daughter’s favorite course this past school year. Find out what she loved about it, what I appreciated about it and what the course is all about in this post!
Homeschooling Multiple Grades (Part 1)
This is the first episode in a two-part series on homeschooling multiple grades. In this episode, we are going to look at some tips to save your sanity while homeschooling multiple grades. Make sure to check back next week for the second episode in this series which will focus on methods for managing multiple grades.
Organizing BJU Press Math
Are you using BJU Press math this year? If so, check out the video below where I share several different ways to organize BJU Press math including the manipulatives.
Large Family Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Check out our large family curriculum choices for six children! Includes grades kindergarten, 2nd grade, 5th grade, 7th grade, 9th grade and 11th grade.
10 Things We Won’t Regret Doing as Moms
Did you know that we only have 6,570 days with our kids before they turn 18? Here are 10 things we won’t regret doing as moms during the short time we have with them.
Structure and Style for Students Curriculum Review
Learn why we chose to use the new Structure and Style for Students writing curriculum this year and what we love about this excellent course from the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW).
High School Curriculum Choices: 9th and 11th grade
Homeschool high school curriculum choices for 9th and 11th grade. (2021-2022 school year) Plus, some resources for homeschooling high school.
Avoiding Legalism in Your Home
As Christian moms, our desire should be to see our children walk in a right relationship with the Lord. We should eagerly and joyfully share with them about who God is, what He has done for us and how we are to obey Him. But we also want to avoid legalism. In this episode, I share five suggestions for avoiding legalism in your home.
Encouragement for the Mom Who is Butting Heads with Her Child
Are you trying to homeschool your child but finding that you are always at odds with one another? Are thinking that you might need to throw in the towel and find another educational option for your kid? If so, this video is for you!
#1 Tip for Homeschool Organization
There are a lot of great tips out there for homeschool organization. In this video, I share my #1 tip for homeschool organization.
BJU Press K5 Math
Take a look at what comes with the BJU Press Distance Learning K5 math curriculum.