Christian parents have been gifted the task of discipling their children but it often feels like a daunting task. Below are some family discipleship resources to assist Christian parents in shepherding their children and pointing them to Jesus Christ.
Christian Living
Helping moms apply Biblical principles to their everyday life.
5 Hindrances to Daily Bible Reading and How to Overcome Them
In this episode, we are talking about the importance of daily time in the Word of God. We are looking at five hindrances that keep us from daily Bible reading and some practical tips to overcome them.
Speaking Truth with Grace to Our Children
In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, I have Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser joining me to share with us how we can use our words to encourage those we love, including our children.
When Kids Interrupt My Time in the Word
Daily reading God’s Word is essential to our spiritual growth and maturity but it can be a challenge to find the time and the desire to read our Bible amidst the chaos of motherhood. In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, I am sharing a time when the interruptions of my kids taught me a lot about my own sin and my need for the Lord.
The Role of Parents in the Life of Their Kids
In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, we are looking into God’s Word to see what it has to say to those of us in the midst of parenting. We will discuss three roles or responsibilities that parents have in the life of their kids.
Is Homeschooling More Than You Can Handle?
Is homeschooling more than you can handle? In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, we go to God’s Word to answer this question and to find help for the overwhelmed homeschool mom.
Helpful Resources for Difficult Topics
Are you or a loved one or friend dealing with a difficult topic? Are you wanting to address these issues from a biblical view but wondering how the Bible speaks to the struggles and hardships you or your loved one is facing? You will want to check out this helpful resource for difficult topics!
Avoiding the Sunday Morning Scramble
In this episode of the Homeschool Mom Podcast, I’m sharing some practical tips to prepare your family for Sunday worship. We will chat about why it is important to avoid the Sunday morning scramble as well as look at three areas that we can prepare for so that our families are ready to worship God.
10 Things We Won’t Regret Doing as Moms
Did you know that we only have 6,570 days with our kids before they turn 18? Here are 10 things we won’t regret doing as moms during the short time we have with them.
Avoiding Legalism in Your Home
As Christian moms, our desire should be to see our children walk in a right relationship with the Lord. We should eagerly and joyfully share with them about who God is, what He has done for us and how we are to obey Him. But we also want to avoid legalism. In this episode, I share five suggestions for avoiding legalism in your home.
Christians and Competition
What does the Bible say about Christians and competition? A recent competitive family game night got me wondering about this topic. Let’s take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of competition and what really matters for us as Christians.
Should Christians Practice Yoga?
Should Christians practice yoga? Let’s take a look at what yoga is and what Biblical principles can help inform our decisions regarding yoga.