Adventures in Art from Cornerstone Curriculum brings together the great masters of art with Biblical truth. Watch the video review.
Homeschool curriculum choices and reviews from a homeschool mom of seven.
Notgrass History’s America the Beautiful Homeschool Curriculum Review
America the Beautiful from Notgrass History is a one-year, American history course for 5th through 8th grade. It covers history, geography, vocabulary, writing, literature, and Bible! Great to use with multiple kids for family learning. Watch my video review.
BJU Press Consumer Math Review
Consumer Math has proven to be a very practical stewardship course for teens as they head off into the adult world to manage their own finances. Because the courses is grounded in a biblical worldview, teens will learn how to steward their finances and their life for the glory of God.
Answering Your Questions About Consumer Math & Personal Finance Curriculum
I’m answering your questions about consumer math, personal finance, and stewardship curriculum for homeschool teens.
Favorite Homeschool Curriculum 2024-2025
I’m sharing our favorite homeschool curriculum from the 2024-2025 homeschool year with two high schoolers, one in middle school, and two elementary kids.
Answering Your Questions: Favorite BJU Press Homeschool Online Courses
Here’s a look at our favorite BJU Press Homeschool online courses and teachers including two “can’t miss” courses my kids have loved.
Auto Upkeep High School Elective Curriculum Review
Auto Upkeep is a high school elective course for homeschoolers. Learn more about the course and take a look inside the curriculum in this video review.
Answering Your Questions about Classical Christian Education
What drew us to classical Christian education and why did we step away from using this method in our homeschool? Find out as I answer your questions about the classical method.
University-Ready Writing from IEW
Let’s chat about the University-Ready Writing homeschool curriculum from IEW in this video review. What’s included? Who is it for? And what did I think of it?
Answering Your Questions: Notgrass History versus BJU Press History for High School
Answering Your Questions: What’s the difference between Notgrass History and BJU Press history curriculum for high school?
Twelfth Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
I’m sharing my homeschool curriculum choices for twelfth grade. See what courses and electives she’s taking for her last year of high school!
Tenth Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Check out these homeschool curriculum choices for my tenth grader and see what electives we are using for high school.