Turn on your child’s favorite science show or open up a book about dinosaurs and your child will immediately hear that the earth is millions of years old and that dinosaurs lived long before any humans were alive. Eventually your child is going to ask you how the Bible and the story of creation fit […]
Where moms can find encouragement and practical tips that are grounded in the truth of God's Word.
3 Places Homeschool Moms Can Find Encouragement
As homeschool moms, we can quickly grow discouraged as we juggle homeschooling, home management, our marriage, our kids and all the other responsibilities we have. That is why it’s important for homeschool moms to find a good source for ongoing encouragement. Are you looking for encouragement? Here are three places where homeschool moms can find […]
Noah’s Ark and the Flood: Answering Children’s Questions
One of the things I love about homeschooling is being able to teach my children history and science from a Biblical worldview. Learning about Noah’s ark and the world-wide Flood is no exception. (This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.) The question seems inevitable. “Mom, how did all the animals fit on […]
How to Break the Busyness Cycle for Moms
Everyone says they are busy these days. Life has a way of taking over our best intentions to slow down and savor the moments. Busyness looks different for everyone. Some people thrive on filling their days with enjoyable activities outside the home. Other people prefer to stay home and enjoy life within the quiet (or […]
How to Balance Housework and Homeschooling
I’m one of those strange people who actually enjoys housework if I know that I can relax and enjoy my clean house after I’m all done. Throw in seven children and homeschooling and you’ll find that I can barely keep one room picked up long enough to clean it. And that’s if I can find the time […]
How to Get Meals on the Table When You Homeschool
When does a homeschool mom find the time to plan and prepare three meals a day plus snacks? Between homeschooling, diaper changes, toddler tantrums, loads of laundry, late night discussions with a preteen, early morning questions from an inquisitive child and many other tasks that I face each day, I don’t have the energy or […]
Gaining Control of the Game Cabinet
Our family loves spending time together playing games which means we have a lot of them. Storing all our games has been a challenge for years. Stacking board games on top of each other with card games tossed in usually leads to a crashing pile of games on the floor every time someone wants to […]
Large Family Homeschool Schedule
How does a mom of many teach all her kids all those subjects while juggling a toddler? With a good schedule! At least, that’s how I manage! There were several things I had to consider when creating our current schedule. Making sure someone was playing with the toddler at all times. (He can get into […]
Saving My Sanity {Homeschool Tips}
5 Sanity Saving Tips for Homeschool Moms Homeschooling can drive a mama crazy sometimes. Believe me when I say that I have had my moments of wanting to give up. (You can read about one of those times here.) Thankfully the Lord has encouraged me along the way and even directed me to find some […]
Organizing Puzzles
Puzzles, puzzles everywhere! I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to store my children’s puzzles for years! Boxed puzzles take up so much space and wooden puzzles are difficult for my little ones to pull out when they are stacked on top of each other. I took some time this summer to reorganize […]
How can I homeschool when my kids won’t listen to me?
“I would love to homeschool my kids but they don’t obey me very well so it would never work.” “I tried homeschooling but my kids and I just butted heads all the time so I gave up.” “My child follows instructions better from his school teacher than he does from me so it’s better he […]
How to Make the Family Road Trip More Enjoyable
We just returned from a three week road trip with our family of eight so I thought I would share with you some of the things I put together in an effort to make the trip more enjoyable for parents and kids alike. {This post contains affiliate links.} Road Trip Countdown Banner My daughter printed […]